Finally it is released with his dream project,kapil sibal minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) on Thursday launched a $35 computing device which will be made available to ‘learners’ right from primary schools to universities. He said they are aiming at reducing the cost even to a lower amount of 10 $. And discussions will be done with the top manufactures about it for the mass production
“This is part of the national initiative to take forward inclusive education. The solutions for tomorrow will emerge from India,” said Sibal.
This stylish one resembles that of a cool large i phone., this $35 “low-cost computing-cum-access device” is a 5/7/9 inch touchscreen gadget packed with internet browsers, you can read pdf files with the in built pdf reader with it also, video conferencing facilities are also incorporated , remote device management capability, multimedia input-output interface option,open office, it supports in built media player, and also has multiple content veiwer.